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Neo Tulsi


Qunitity MRP
30 ML. 500/-

Nature's Gift With Miraculous Medical Benefits.

Neo Tulsi is a research based ayurvedic medicine. Neo Tulsi is derived from Tulsi plant. It is 100 % Natural and phyto-molecules serum drawn by Nano technology.  Neo Tulsi is absorbed in body within a short duration and its Nano molecules are mixed in blood instantly. It acts as Active Ayurveda and giving good results.

Tulsi is a miraculous medicinal plant in India for the last five thousand years.  It is being used as a medicinal plant in the world of herbal and medicinal herbs. It is ranked high among the possibilities described in the ancient Vedic Ayurveda “CharakaSamhita.”

Due to the potential elements in Tulsi  it has earned titles like  "Queen Of Herbs" & "Elixir Of Life". It is for this reason that in the modern era Modern Pharmacological studies conducted on Tulsi have confirmed that most diseases of the world are cured by Tulsi herbs.


These elements which are present in Tulsi make it a miraculous medicinal herb:

  • Vitamin : Folates, Niacin, Pantothenic acid, Pyridoxine, Riboflavin, Thiamin, Vitamin A , Vitamin C, Vitamin E  & Vitamin K
  • Electrolytes :  Sodium and Potassium
  • Minerals : Calcium, Copper, Iron, Magnesium & Zine
  • Phyto-nutrients : Carotene-ß, Crypto-xanthin-ß, Lutein-zeaxanthin
  • Essential oils : Eugenol, Citronellol, linalool, Citral, limonene, and Terpineol
  • Polyphenolic flavonoids : Orientin and viceninect Ect.
  • Basil herb : (Ocimumbasilicum), Fresh leaves,
  • Nutritive : Value per 100g.

Uses of NeoTulsi as per Ayurveda

Fever and Common Cold :  Tulsi is also a good germicidal agent and a disinfectant that protects the human body from all types of viral infections and fever due to cold. doses are 5-6 drop in warm water a day.

Cough and Respiratory Problems :  Tulsi also cures cough and flu. It helps to mobilize mucous in bronchitis and asthma attacks. Take a few drops of Neotulsi in hot drinking water with 1tsp Honey and ½ tsp of Ginger 2-3 times a day.

Cases of sore throat  :  5-6 drops of  Tulsi in hot water and drink it. You can also gargle with this water to soothe sore throat.

Kidney Stones : The holy Tulsi being a great diuretic and detoxifyer agent so it is very good for the kidneys. Tulsi helps reduce the uric acid levels in the blood (one of the main reasons for kidney stones is the presence of excess uric acid in the blood), it helps cleanse the kidneys.The presence of acetic acid and other components in its essential oils help in breaking down kidney stones and its painkiller effect helps reduce the pain of kidney stone. To relieve kidney stones one must take Tulsi drop with honey every day for six months to help wash out the stone from the kidney.

Heart Disorder :  Neo Tulsi is very beneficial in combating cardiac disease and the weakness resulting from it. It reduces blood cholesterol levels. Neo Tulsi also contains Vitamin C and other anti-oxidants such as eugenol which protects the heart from harmful effects of free radicals. Neo Tulsi can reduce blood pressure and thus is useful for heart patients.

Stomach Problems : Several stomach problems like acidity, constipation and flatulence can also be cured with NeoTulsi Drop. Take 5-6 drops a day with ½ cup of water. Tulsi supports digestive system and makes you feel less bloated and more comfortable. It also helps people suffering from vomiting and lack of appetite.

Diabetes : Neo Tulsi is one of the many herbs that help to control blood sugar level in a person. It reduces the blood sugar level by causing a sudden or drastic drop. Take 5-6 drops of Neo Tulsi to control blood sugar level.

Pain Relief : Tulsi plant acts like a COX-2 inhibitor and benefits people with painful medical condition. Some compounds found in Tulsi helps to ease inflammatory and neurological pain and has no side effects whatsoever. Tulsi is also used in the treatment of ulcers, cuts and wounds because of its beneficial antiseptic and healing properties.

Anti-cancer :  Neo Tulsi is anti-carcinogenic in nature and helps to treat some forms of cancer including breast cancer. Tulsi restricts the blood vessels that feed tumors. It also helps to inhibit the growth of oral cancer that is caused due to tobacco. But tulsi should not be used as a sole treatment of cancer however.

Stress Reliever : According to a study conducted by the Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow, India, Tulsihelps to maintain the normal levels of the stress hormone – cortisol in the body.  The leaf also has powerful adaptogen properties (also known as anti-stress agents). It helps sooth the nerves, regulates blood circulation and beats free radicals that are produced during an episode of stress. People who have high stress jobs can take about 5-6 drops of Neo Tulsi twice a day to beat stress naturally.

Lungs Disorder : Several compounds present in Tulsi like vitamin C, camphene, eugenol can cure lung congestion. They have proven to be effective in healing damage caused by smoking, tuberculosis etc.

Treats Skin Issues : Tulsi works very well on eczema, acne and pimples  due to its anti-bacterial properties. People suffering from scabies and eczema should drink Neo Tulsi Drop to help cure it.

Eliminates Pimples and Acne : Tulsi purifies the blood from toxins and prevents appearance of acne and pimples. Take Neo Tulsi drop and also apply Tulsi drop with honey on face and wash after ½ an hour to give instant glow to the skin and will smooth the skin completely.​

Boosts Immunity : Tulsi has a complex constitution that includes immunity booster, adaptogens and anti-oxidants. Drink Neo Tulsiwith water every day to boost up immunity naturally.

​Heals respiratory conditions :  NeoTulsi has immune modulatory (helps to modulate the immune system), anti-tussive (suppresses the cough center, reducing the amount of cough) and expectorant properties (helps expel phlegm from the chest), that make it a great relief for coughs, cold, and other respiratory disorders including chronic and acute bronchitis. Another great property of this leaf is that it has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties that help to beat the infection causing the respiratory problem. It also relieves congestion since it contains potent components like camphene, eugenol and cineole in its essential oils. Its anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory properties also help to treat allergic respiratory disorders.

Instant Energy :  Take one cup green tea or regular black tea. Add 1 drop of Neo Tulsi and have drink to get instant energy.

Restore calcium :  Regular consumption of Neo Tulsi Drop helps to increase Calcium in the body.

Help in RHEUMATIC :  Neo Tulsi Can Control the R.A. factor which reduce the joint pain and swelling.